Posts tagged Constitution
Why Iraqi-Kurdistan Peace Depends on Constitutional Consensus

By: Marlene Zieah.

The Iraqi government has reclaimed disputed territory under KRG control since 2014. These actions were triggered by the KRG’s recent referendum on independence. In order to solve the issues facing both parties, they will have to revisit critical unclear provisions in the Iraqi constitution, specifically those dealing with rights to self-government and control over oil and gas reserves.

(Safin Hamed/AFP/Getty Images)

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Venezuela’s Controversial Constitution Rewrite

By: Alexandra Stafford.

Is it possible to rewrite a Constitution? Is it possible to do so avoiding volatile public upheaval? Venezuela is facing these issues after the announcement by President Nicolas Madura to rewrite the Venezuelan Constitution.


Image attribution: By Jonathan Alvarez C (Own work) [CC BY-SA 3.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons

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