Posts tagged Democratic Republic of Congo
What Went Wrong in the Democratic Republic of the Congo?

Joseph Kabila and his father, Laurent-Desire Kabila, have been the only presidents of the renamed Democratic Republic of the Congo since Laurent-Desire Kabila’s overthrow of Mobutu Sese Seko in 1997. Joseph Kabila was elected for his second, and constitutionally mandated, final term as president in 2011. In the lead up to the 2016 presidential election, the Congolese Congress and President Kabila took steps to block the 2016 election. In response to attempts to push back the 2016 election, and the actual push back of the 2016 election, protests have arisen throughout the Democratic Republic of the Congo, and President Kabila has responded by violently crushing the protests and committing numerous human rights violations. President Kabila should be immediately removed from power for violating the Congolese Constitution and violating international human rights.

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Did the Catholic Church Save the Democratic Republic of the Congo, or Will the Human Rights Violations Continue?

By: Steve Ragatzki.

According to the Constitution of the Democratic Republic of Congo, the President shall be elected by a direct election from the people for a five-year term. The President may seek reelection only once. However, the President shall remain in office until the President-Elect “effectively assumes his functions.” Whatever the reason, Kabila has stayed in office well beyond the expiration of his term.          


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