Posts tagged Syria
Stopping a Seemingly Unstoppable Force: The War between ISIS and the Syrian Government

By: Kathryn Bristor.

This post explores the impact of ISIS’ presence in Syria, the legal principles underlying the conflict, and the devastating reality that UN members may not have the ability to intervene in the war that is raging on within the Syrian borders.  Through the examination of customary international law, it is apparent that foreign involvement may prove to be more difficult than at first glance.

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War Crimes+ in Syria and Iraq and the Possibility of an Ad Hoc Tribunal

By Courtney McCausland.

In the conflicts in Syria and Iraq, civilians have been targeted. By any account this is a violation of the laws of armed conflict. The problem, however, arises in determining whether the conflict is domestic or international. Today's post discusses the history of the conflicts, the ramifications of the classification, and a proposed solution.

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