Posts tagged UN
We're Building A Wall And You're Paying For It: A Discussion Of United Nations Territorial Sovereignty Principles

By: Michael T. Moran.

The U.S. presidential election was dominated by claims that then-Candidate Trump would build a border wall between the U.S. and Mexico without spending U.S. taxpayer dollars. International law, specifically Article 24 of the United Nations, has been infrequently discussed in regards to this issue.

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Centuries After Vlad Dracula, Corruption Continues to Suck Romania Dry

By Calla Ketchens.

Corruption was so prevalent in Romania that when it joined the European Union in 2007, along with Bulgaria, the European Commission established the Cooperation and Verification Mechanism (CVM) specifically for these two countries in order to assess Romania’s progress in fighting corrupt practices. Romania has made progress in its fight against corruption, but, if the recent protests in Romania are any indication, Romania still has a long way to go before the CVM reaches its expiration date of 2019.

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The Shadowy Connection Between Money Laundering and Terrorism

By: Jack Sklarski

Few people realize the growing connection between money laundering and terrorism. With terrorist organizations relying more and more on money laundering to finance their operations, the fight against terrorism must include anti-money laundering regulation. This blog looks at what the US and EU are doing to combat money laundering and how the international community can join forces in cooperation. 

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Climate Primer

By: Ryan Brenner

Better late than never, here is a look at the new climate deal which was negotiated in Paris at the end of 2015. Read more to find out what this agreement entails, how the agreement fits with the UNFCCC and Kyoto Protocol, and how the negotiations were organized.  

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MSU ILRRyan Brenner, MSU, ILR, MSUILR, Climate, UN
Transforming the United Nations for Gender Equality

By: Brent Lockwood  

As a central international governing body, the United Nations’ leadership is necessary to successfully combat global gender inequality and violence against women. Despite continued efforts to protect the rights of women and promote equality, women continue to face economic, social, and political inequality as well as high rates of physical and sexual violence. Changes need to be made.

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